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International Journal of Cell Science and Biotechnology/Vol.7 (2018)/
Bacteria from Coral Ecosystem of Kiltan Island, Lakshadweep: Resource for Hydrolytic Enzymes
Pages : 1-9 Ramlath L, Keerthana PP, Safvana Fathima P and Mashhoor K Abstract | PDF
Targeting ceramidase and sphingosine kinase 1 of ceramide metabolic pathway induces apoptosis in human colon cancer cells
Pages : 23-27, DOI: https://doi.org/10.14741/ijcsb/v.7.3 Helen Shiphrah Vethakanraj, Mohamed Aslan S, Jayashree A, Vishnu Priya P and Ashok Kumar Sekar Abstract | PDF
Radiomodulatory Effects of different Phytochemicals on the Irradiated Mouse Model System
Pages : 28-38, DOI: https://doi.org/10.14741/ijcsb/v.7.4 Jyoti Verma and Rahul Sharma Abstract | PDF
A Novel Technique for Fair and Accurate Reviewer Assignment in Peer Review
Pages : 250-253 Dnyaneshwari Gosavi and Prof Dr.A.D.Potgantwar Abstract | PDF
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