Synthesis of WATT and Stephenson Mechanisms six bar mechanism using Burmester Theory
Pages : 25-29
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To date Burmester Theory, as an analytical method, was predominantly used to design four-bar mechanisms that
prescribe four precision points. This theory was later extended to design four-bar mechanisms prescribing five
precision points. There have been few attempts to use the Burmester Theory in design of mechanisms with more than four bars and/or the ones prescribing more than five precision points. However, not much was done towards the
design of mechanisms with six, seven, or more bars that prescribe more than four precision points. This paper
describes possible ways in which the Burmester Theory can be utilized in the synthesis of six-bar planar mechanism
prescribing four or five precision points.
Keywords: Burmester Theory, four-bar, six-bar, mechanism, synthesis
Article published in International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Vol.7, No.1 (Feb-2017)