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Isoparametric Elements applied to Curved Boundaries

Author : Shailesh L. Deshmukh, Vaibhav V. Kulkarni, Prashant M. Patane and Shrikant D. Nimbalkar

Pages : 15-18
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The word isoparametric is used when the same shape functions called as interpolation functions [N] to define the element’s geometric shape as well as used to define the displacements within the element. The Isoparametric element equations are formed by using an intrinsic coordinate systems i.e. natural coordinate system that is defined by element geometry and It is not defined by the orientation of the element in the global-coordinate system. In this paper the Isoparametric formulation for simple bar element is explained first and it will lead to a simple mathematical computation. Then the Numerical Integration for Gauss Quadrature for two and three sampling points is explained.

Keywords: Isoparametric, Interpolating functions, Gauss Quadrature, Numerical Integration, etc.

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