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Governing Heat and Mass Transfer Equation for Solid Desiccant Dehumidifier Wheel

Author : Hanumant B. Narute, C. Shriramshastri and Vivekanand N.

Pages : 409-412, DOI:http://Dx.Doi.Org/10.14741/Ijcet/22774106/spl.5.6.2016.76
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Desiccant cooling system (DCS) is an alternate suitable option against conventional cooling system in a hot and humid climate. Solid Desiccants are natural or synthetic substances capable of absorbing moisture present in the outdoor air. Desiccant wheels are rotary desiccant dehumidifiers used in air conditioning for dehumidification applications. The modeling of concurrent heat and mass transfer in these components is crucial for estimating their performances. A steady state one-dimensional model is developing and resolves to obtain good accuracy and short computational times. Experimental data have to be gathered to resolve eventual missing phenomena and validate the model for all input parameters. The modeling result are used to develop simple correlations for the outlet air conditions of humidity and temperature of air through the desiccant wheel as a function of the physically measurable input variables. These correlations will be used to reproduce the solid desiccant wheel in an air conditioning system in order to define the year round efficiency. In solid desiccant system moist air enters the process side and passes over the desiccant and is dehumidify. As a result of decrees in humidity of the process air and increases its temperature. In the other hand, the humidity ratio of the regeneration air is increased and its temperature decreases.

Keywords: Solid Desiccant, Dehumidification, Modeling of Desiccant Wheel.

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