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Development of an Alternative Hybrid Power System using Hybrid Micro Power Optimization Model (HOMER)

Author : Babalola, A. D, Yakubu, A. J.

Pages : 1-9, DOI:
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Nigeria is endowed with abundant energy resources, both conventional and renewable, which can potentially provide the country with a sufficient capacity to meet the ambitions of both urban and rural Nigerians of a full, nationwide electrification level. Yet, Nigeria has one of the lowest consumption rates of electricity per capita in Africa. With the demand superseding the generation, there is inequitable access of rural communities to the electricity service in the country. There are inherent obstacles militating against the effective implementation of an orderly energy policy in Nigeria. The inefficiencies overshadowing the allocation of energy resources coupled with the near depletion of fossil fuels, make it imperative for the country to exploit its huge natural renewable resources to avoid a worsening energy supply scenario and provide feasible electricity to rural dwellers. This project presents a review of renewable energy potentials in Nigeria to be tapped for useful and uninterrupted electric energy supply. This study provides a detailed analysis of the quantum of electricity supply to Ilesha garage, Akure and how to supplement for lose hours in power supply (i.e. hours lost to power outage) via solar energy to augment for 18 hours of power unavailability in the community.

Keywords: Hybrid Power System, Development, Optimization, Model, Micro Power

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