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A Novel Five-level Inverter topology Applied to Four Pole Induction Motor Drive with Single DC Link

Author : Lalu. Mudavath, MD. Yaseen and M.Baba Fakruddin

Pages : 110-114
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Multi-level inverter technology has emerged recently as a very important alternative in the area of high-power high-voltage energy control. So multi-level inverters have been widely used for high-power high-voltage drive applications. Due to higher number of sources, lower EMI, lower % THD in output voltage and less stress on insulation, they are widely used. In this paper an optimized five-level inverter topology is proposed for a four pole induction motor drive. To minimize the common mode currents a Sine-Triangle Pulse Width Modulation is used in the proposed topology. Thereby the first dominant harmonics and triplen harmonics shifted near to the switching frequency, which will have a less impact on the motor phase currents. Since the dominant harmonics are less in the proposed topology, it gives almost sinusoidal output voltage which will improve the efficiency of the drive system. The simulation results based on Matlab/Simulink are discussed in detail in this paper.

Keywords: Five-level inverter, Induction motor, Sine triangle, PWM.

Article published in International Journal of Current  Engineering  and Technology, Vol.4,No.1 (Feb- 2014)





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