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Future-Proofing QA: Key Trends and Directions in Automation Testing

Author : Krishna Gandhi and Pankaj Verma

Pages : 561-567, DOI:
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The creation and security of software systems in the internet domain have relied heavily on IT software testing, even if quality assurance technologies and professionals have proliferated. Due to the complexity and difficulty of testing, professionals have turned to test automation technologies, which entail several steps and ultimately require more oversight and administration. This paper discusses the current developments in QA automation, looking at its significance, issues with the process, and prospects. Quality assurance and software testing are defined to clarify why these two concepts are intertwined but separate. The progress made in the last few years, namely the AI in testing, cloud-based solutions, and no-code/low-code automation, are reviewed to determine how it affects testing efficiency in identifying defects. Also, the paper describes the significance of QA, the software quality, the advantages of automation tools, and the limitations that need to be considered for the accomplishment of objectives. Future directions indicate the use of AI/ML together with robotic process automation to improve predictive analysis, test scalability, and effectiveness. The goal of this research is to offer practical recommendations and best practices to companies willing to improve their QA performance and meet the changing needs of the software industry.

Keywords: Software Testing, Quality Assurance (QA), QA Automation, Code/No-Code Platforms, DevOps, Testing Frameworks, Software Quality.

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