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Performance Improvement of WSN by using Zone Clustering Routing Protocol with Multi-gateway

Author : Musbah Belaid Musbah Hadud and N.K.Gupta

Pages : 1813-1819
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Wireless Sensor Network depends on nodes have limited energy, memory, computational power, range and it is important to increase energy efficiency by saving the battery power so as to extend the life time of the given WSN deployment. In WSN, data is measured by nodes and same is send to Base Station at regular interval. Different protocols are used for energy consumption, in wireless sensor network. In this paper we are trying to improve the life time performance of WSN by using zone-divided and energy-balanced clustering routing protocol with multi-gateway. Zone clustering approach divides the area into several zones according to the distance and uses the clustering method among these zones. The key idea of these protocols is that within a cluster there is a cluster-head‖ which receives the data from remaining nodes and such data is sent to gateways. We also investigate the impact of deploying multiple gateways on the following established energy aware load balancing routing techniques: Zone clustering with random and energy efficient cluster head.

Keywords: Wireless sensor network, Leach, Zone clustering, energy life time, load balancing

Article published in International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Vol.5, No.3 (June-2015)


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