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Environmental Sustainability in Piping Systems: Exploring the Impact of Material Selection and Design Optimisation

Author : Vikas Thakran

Pages : 523-528, DOI:
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As the world embraces sustainable Piping systems, improving their environmental, economic, and social performance has become fundamental). This paper will analyse the importance of material selection and design optimisation in the sustainability of piping systems: environmental issues related to conventional piping system materials and their installation. This calls for development of options that help decentralise energy demand, emissions and impact on ecosystems. The study also considers highly developed design optimisation techniques that can significantly enhance the main parameters of piping systems, including the use of genetic algorithms and Computational Fluid Dynamics CFD. Furthermore, the paper focuses on the main technical and economic barriers encountered in the course of implementing sustainable practices, such as the high cost of investment, lack of materials, and the suitability hurdle. Ways of addressing these barriers are suggested, particularly in the selection of cheaper and environmentally sound materials and in engineering design. Lastly, this work provides useful information about future piping systems’ development as well as the role of sustainability in urban and industrial development towards SDG achievement.

Keywords: Piping Systems, Sustainability, Material Selection, Design Optimization, Environmental Impacts.

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