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Vein Pattern Uncovering and RPPVSM based Personnel Recognition System using Skin Images

Author : Elizabeth Antony and Madan Kushwaha

Pages : 541-545, DOI:
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Face Recognition is not possible in certain scenarios to identify persons, due to unavailability of sufficient face data. The same challenges are encountered in the cases of child sexual abuse where pedophiles’ faces and tattoos are rarely visible in the evidence images or purposely blurred to avoid recognition. In order to identify criminals, the RPPVSM automated identification system consists of skin segmentation, the detection of RPPVSM and matching algorithms of RPPVSM in these skin pictures. The identification system RPPVSM has been evaluated on background images of certain topics and it is shown that our detection algorithm RPPVSM produces stable patterns of skin marks to detect skin marks compared with other methods. The system achieved high precision in identification.

Keywords: Skin marks, Vein Pattern, Relatively Pigmented Mask.

Article published in International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Vol.10, No.4 (July/Aug 2020)

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