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Oil Production Optimization with Gas Lift Method

Author : Mazhar Ahmed and Muhammad Khan Memon

Pages : 1628-1634, DOI:
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Hydrocarbon specially oil & gas are mostly used worldwide as an energy source, During the production life, reservoir pressure declines as in result oil production decreases and percentage of water cut increase. This scenario has inspired the researchers and professionals to explore new application for increasing oil production and to minimize water cut to make production economical. Well design, well performance prediction and well optimization programs for most of the well configurations are carried out by IPM Prosper. It aids to adjust the variables and investigate effects on the production. Impact of various gas injection rates and water cut on well performance has observed and investigated that it has great influence on oil production rates. This research study is focused on design of reliable well model, with the ability to cover each aspect of wellbore modeling, Fluid component such as fluid characterization, Vertical Lift performance correlation and reservoir inflow performance of producing well system are simulated. Further each component of the simulated system is compared by performance matching to field data. After that, combine results are generated by changing injection rates and water cut. The result showed that increase with oil production is only possible with minimum gas injection rates.

Keywords: Artificial lift, Gas injection rate sensitivity analysis, Gas lift, Production optimization, Water cut sensitivity analysis.

Article published in International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Vol.8, No.6 (Nov/Dec 2018)

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