News Updates Tuesday 15th Oct 2024 :
  • Welcome to INPRESSCO, world's leading publishers, We have served more than 10000+ authors
  • Articles are invited in engineering, science, technology, management, industrial engg, biotechnology etc.
  • Paper submission is open. Submit online or at
  • Our journals are indexed in NAAS, University of Regensburg Germany, Google Scholar, Cross Ref etc.
  • DOI is given to all articles

About Us

INPRESSCO is an international publisher. International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology Google Scholar h-index: 31, i10 index: 248, Total Citation: 10468, NAAS, SCILIT indexed. We are publishing since 2011 and till now more than 3500+ articles have been published.

Our aim is to provide fast peer review process for all submitted manuscripts. The editorial model of the INPRESSCO journals aims to ensure that only manuscripts that are both rigorous and provide a useful contribution to their field of research are accepted for publication. Every journal is collaboratively run by a  relatively  large, international experts.

Benefits of publishing with us

Fast review process

The decision on your article is processed very fast without any delay and in shortest possible time.

Open-access & e-journal

Free-flow of the information is necessary in this world. Open-access leads to more citation and hence more recognition for our esteemed authors.

Critical and positive peer-review

The decisions of the reviewers is unbiased and whatever is the decision is conveyed to the authors.

ISO Journals

Our journals are as per ISO 3297-2007


The journals are indexed in Google Scholar, Creative Commons, Science Central, Scientific Commons, Feng Chia University, Academia, New Jour, Get Cited, Cite Seer, Sci Rate, Scirus, Mendeley,, ICI etc.

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Our Journals
Call for Papers
  1. IJCET- Current Issue
  2. Issues are published in Feb, April, June, Aug, Oct and Dec
  3. DOI is given to all articles
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