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Water Pollution from Agriculture and Industry

Author : Jehangir K. Sial, Sajid Mahmood, Zeyneb Kılıç, Muhammad Mazhar Saeed, Mudassar Iqbal, Hafiz Abdur Rehman

Pages : 244-250, DOI:
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Continued water quality impairment has introduced serious environmental concerns for health, stream life, agriculture, and industry. In general, water pollution is a resultant of agricultural and industrial activities. We handpicked 150 samples of drinkable water from various parts of the Faisalabad City. The findings revealed that locations fed by industrial waste matter had higher nitrate level, whereas places with superior drainage had lower nitrate content. Almost all the factors in general produced major effects on the leaching of fertilizer (NO3-N) into the soil outline. The current research found that nitrogenous fertilizer in the form of NO3-N was leached up to 150 cm into the soil. In Pakistan, the water table was within 150 cm of the ground surface on 30 percent of the 41 million acres examined. The municipal and industrial wastes of Faisalabad cannot be separated, as industries are situated in residential areas. The mixture is discharged into open land or into drains.   None of the samples contained Zn in the tolerance limit (TL refers to the concentration higher than maximum permissible limit). MPL decrease with an increase in distance of the source from the sullage carrier. Fe, Cu and Mn, the results indicate that the sullage carrier has contaminated the ground water up to 300 meters and no water sample was found within TL within 300 meters distance. The results indicate that Fe, Cu, and Mn concentration in ground water has reached to problematic level along unlined section of the sullage carrier. Thus, in this zone a severe Fe, Cu and Mn toxicity has been identified. Pb however, the situation was somewhat different because none of the samples was found within TL after 50 meters distance of source from such sullage carrier. The result of Fe indicates problem in some water samples collected along lined section of sullage carrier. The same situation prevailed for Cu and Mn. Both the metals have contaminated the ground water up to 150 meters. The results of Pb were similar as in case of unlined section of the sullage carrier but it has some problem up to 25 meters. This paper describes some aspects of surface and subsurface water pollution, in addition to best management practices and remedial measures required for minimization environmental hazards.

Keywords: Agriculture, Environment, Industry, Nitrogenous fertilizer, Contamination, Water quality

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