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Vibration response and Optimization of Swing arm through Hardening

Author : Vidyadhar Sudarshan Dixit, Masnaji Rajaram Nukulwar, Sunil Tukaram Shinde and S. S. Pimpale

Pages : 562-567
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All machines, vehicles and buildings are subjected to dynamic forces that cause vibration. Most practical noise and vibration problems are related to resonance phenomena where the operational forces excite one or more modes of vibration. Modes of vibration that lie within the frequency range of the operational dynamic forces always represent potential problems. Mode shapes are the dominant motion of a structure at each of its natural or resonant frequencies. Modes are an inherent property of a structure and do not depend on the forces acting on it. On the other hand, operational deflection shapes do show the effects of forces or loads, and may contain contributions due to several modes of vibration. This Paper deals with optimization and modal analysis of the rear suspension arm used in motorbikes. Suspension arm has been modeled using CATIAV5, meshing will be done in HYPERMESH12.0, and ANSYS 15.0 will be used for post processing. Modal analysis will be performed. Optimization will be done by changing the material from MS to Al. Once we get desired results, model will be fabricated and tested with FFT analyzer to check for response of the Swing arm.

Keywords: Swing Arm, Rear suspension frame, Optimization of Swing arm, Structural Analysis of Swing arm, Modal Analysis of two wheeler Rear suspension frame.

Article published in International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Vol.6, No.2 (April-2016)


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