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Using Explicit Solver while designing the experiment to realize optimized processing parameters for shot-peening

Author : Shreedhar Arasule and S.R. Patil

Pages : 41-46, DOI:http://Dx.Doi.Org/10.14741/Ijcet/22774106/spl.5.6.2016.8
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The Shot peening is the most economical process for enhancing the surface characteristics among alternative processes akin to honing, polishing and burnishing. It is the method of inducing residual stress and work hardening on the surface by mechanical yielding. The major applications of shot peening process area unit concerning improvement and restoration of surface and mechanical properties. It also improves the irresponsibleness of machine components by enhancing the mechanical properties. It is the method involving multiple and ferrous components however largely used on steel surfaces. It is the method involving multiple and progressive repeated impacts. The steel balls or shots are thrown against the surface either by compressed air or by force reckoning on the sort of machine. The intensity of the method will be varied by regulating the process parameters i.e. size of shot, the hardness of shot, the speed at which it is laid-off, the length of time, the distance of nozzle from the surface, the angle of the nozzle and the work exposed to the shot.

Keywords: Fatigue life, Endurance testing, Shot Peening, Fatigue mechanism, Piston, Residual stress, FEA, Al Alloy


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