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Thermoelectric Power Generation using Waste Heat of Automobile

Author : Shrutika Karpe

Pages : 144-148;
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In recent years, global warming and the limitations in use of energy resources increase environmental issues of emissions. Also In industry, most of the expenses are due to energy (both electrical and thermal), labour and materials. But out of them energy would relate to the manageability of the cost or potential cost savings and thus energy management will help in cost reduction. The possibilities of thermoelectric systems’ contribution to “green” technologies, specifically for waste heat recovery from industry exhausting flue gases. It results into extensive research on green technologies producing electricity. As waste heat recovering techniques, such as thermoelectric generator (TEG) is developed .Its implementation in automobile industry is carried out in many ways. Previous research shows that TEG as a waste heat harvesting method is useful. Due to distinct benefits of Thermoelectric generators, they have become a promising alternative green technology. Thermoelectric generator direct converts waste-heat energy into electrical power where it is unnecessary to consider the cost of the thermal energy input. The application of this technology can also improve the overall efficiency the of energy conversion systems. Even though output of TEGs are low with available techniques, feasible electricity generation is possible due to waste heat emitted from the automobile (internal combustion engine operation).

Keywords: Gasoline engine, waste heat, TEGs, electricity.


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