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The Impact of Six Sigma on Madrasati Platform in Saudi Arabia

Author : Ghadi Shaheen, Fatmah Alahmadi, Waad Alsuraihi, Abrar Alsayed and Salma Elhag

Pages : 247-259, DOI:
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Saudi Arabia is working to develop education based on high standards for both males and females. With E-learning, students may access it whenever they choose, from anywhere. The MoE introduced an E-learning platform that called Madrasati platform to keep up the process of education over the COVID-19 pandemic. The Six Sigma DMAIC methodology in the education field aims to standardize processes and reduce variability to improve educational quality. The paper aims to improve the Madrasati platform’s quality by implementing Six Sigma to raise the value of E-learning in Saudi Arabia. The required data was collected through the online survey. It follows the Likert scale with five- point. The respondents of the survey were 266 of Saudi’s students from different classes and their parents. 59% of students expressed satisfaction with the Madrasati platform. The collected data were analyzed through using SPSS software and determined by a Sigma level. The USL, LSL, and DPM for the present and suggested Sigma levels are identified when calculating the Sigma level. According to the results, Pareto and other diagrams were designed to illustrate the effects. Some improvement methods are suggested to be applied to increase the level of the platform quality.

Keywords: Six Sigma, DMAIC, E-Learning, Education, Madrasati Platform, Quality of Education, Saudi Platforms.

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