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Sustainable Development in the Field of Automobiles with low Sulfur Fuels

Author : B.N.S.Anurag, Prateek Sarkar and R. Laxmana Reddy

Pages : 2635-2638
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In today’s world where pollution levels have raised to such an extent that if immediate control isn’t achieved than it could lead to the fallout of various species and ecosystems. One of the leading contributors is air pollution, which is greatly caused by the immense amount of vehicular emissions from the tailpipes of millions of vehicles across the globe. A detailed analysis leads to the fact that the presence of sulfur in the fuels used to power vehicles is a hazardous pollutant and furthermore allows for the increase in volume of other pollutants released. Thus removal of this element from fuel is the best way to cut down drastically on vehicular emissions and provide for sustainable development along with conservation of environment. In this paper we will be discussing about the various benefits of Low Sulfur fuels, the environmental impact they have. Complications that are caused by the presence of sulfur in fuels and how Sulfur prevents the proper functioning of many catalysts are also discussed in detail. Also, the impact of using Low Sulfur fuels in various types of engines is important. Low Sulfur fuels have a positive impact of the emissions of gasoline and diesel engines and Fuel Cell Vehicles, which are the future of Automobile Engineering with reduced emissions and eco friendly. Types and manufacturing processes involved in the production of Low Sulfur fuels are being dealt with exhaustively. Benefits of Low Sulfur fuels far outweigh the costs. They are far less polluting and have a much smaller environmental footprint.

Keywords: Sulfur, Smog, Desulfurization, Adsorption and Bio desulfurization

Article published in International Journal of Current  Engineering  and Technology, Vol.4,No.4 (Aug- 2014)



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