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Sustainability of university buildings through building standards (LEED) and how to be achieved

Author : Henar Aboelmaged

Pages : 785-793, DOI:
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This research deals with the importance of using sustainable environmental standards of University buildings by the requirements of some LEED organizations; to have a sustainable university building which achieves the desired objectives and reduce the wrong design .The research focused on highlighting a private university that contains a large number of important faculties and conducting an analytical process to determine its ability to adapt to the environment and its sustainability according to one of the LEED standards that achieve the goals and dimensions of sustainable buildings. The research also focused on producing some results and recommendations necessary to be considered when designing the educational buildings; to reduce the negative impact on the educational buildings, make peace with the environment and make its users very comfortable.

Keywords: LEED, sustainable environmental, University buildings, sustainability, sustainable university

Article published in International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Vol.8, No.3 (May/June 2018)

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