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Study of strength characteristics of Geo-Polymer Concrete by using Rice husk Ash, Steel fiber and Quarry Dust

Author : Pooja Yadav, Abhishek Tiwari and Dharmendra Kushwaha

Pages : 771-774, DOI:
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Environment pollution is one of the major problems faced by world today. In the field of construction industry mainly, the manufacturing of Portland cement will matter the emission of pollutants results in environmental pollution. To reduce the pollution effect on environment we can use industrial by-products in our construction industry. To produce the geo-polymer concrete the Portland cement is fully replaced with Rice husk ash and the fine aggregate is replaced with quarry dust for the binding of material alkaline liquids are used in this study. Rice husk ash is a by-product from the burning of rice husk at a temperature lower than 6000C.this means that it is in a form that is soft and easy to grind. Rice husk ash is rich in silica about 90%, 5% carbon and 2% K2O. The specific surface of RHA is between 40-100m2/g.The alkaline liquids used in this study Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and sodium silicate (Na2Sio3). Different molarities of sodium hydroxide solution i.e. 8M and 10M are taken to prepare different mixes. The cube specimens are taken of size 150mm x 150mm x 150mm and the compressive strength is calculated for each of the mix. The geo-polymer concrete specimens are tested for their compressive strength at the age of 7days, mixes of varying sodium hydroxide molaritiesi.e. 8M and 10M are prepared and they are cured by direct sun-light and strengths are calculated for 7 day. The finding shows that the strength of Geopolymer concrete is increasing with the increase of the molarity of sodium hydroxide.

Keywords: Geo-Polymer Concrete, Rice husk ash, Fine Aggregate, Coarse Aggregate, Steel fiber

Article published in International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Vol.10, No.5 (Sept/Oct 2020)

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