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The Role of Women Entrepreneurship in Modern World

Author : S. Mohan Kumar, H.S. Chandrika Mohan, Vijaya C and Lokeshwari N

Pages : 100-104
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The recent advances in technology and the modern Automation world demands the effective leadership and initiations from the educated women class and dynamic women entrepreneurs, who really vouch for contributing to the economic growth of nations. It is the order of the day where concept of innovative women entrepreneurship program have to be devised to check the market failures and at the same time to address the burning societal problems by adding a new dimension of Women entrepreneurship for all SMEs’ and growth policies. It is high time that the Government should make policy reforms for increasing the ability of Women to participate in the labour force, creation of Women’s business ownerships, to facilitate effective women’s entrepreneurship to develop noteworthy and other valuable web based and collaborative tools for societal development and promotion of leadership qualities. The typical area chosen by women entrepreneurship are retail trade, Restaurants, Hotels, Education, Cultural, Cosmetics, Health, Insurance and Manufacturing. This paper throws light on the role played by the successful Women entrepreneurs in contributing to the utmost development of economic growth and social living. The success stories of the Women entrepreneurs will surely leave a long lasting impression and transform the inactive families / network of people to put forth sincere efforts in uplifting the standards of living and to build healthy working enterprises. It is a well established fact that enterprising Women have amazing ability to work hard and develop innovative ideas towards building an economically sound and healthy society. In US 6.4 million self employed women provide employment for 9.2 million people and create significant sales. A sincere effort has been made in this paper to motivate those women who think of any business enterprise and who wish to contribute to the Society in general for leading a Sound, dynamic and meaningful living in this modern World.

Keywords: Innovative, Dynamic, challenge, empowerment, motivational factors.

Article published in the Proceedings of National Conference on ‘Women in Science & Engineering’ (NCWSE 2013), SDMCET Dharwad



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