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Supercritical Steam Turbine Blade Design using Bezier Curves

Author : Praveen Upadhyaya , Srinivas Prasad.S , Bhavanarayana Murthy.Ch and A.S.Panwalkar

Pages : 605-609, DOI:http://Dx.Doi.Org/10.14741/Ijcet/Spl.2.2014.115
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The design of ultra supercritical and Advanced Ultra Supercritical steam turbines is posing challenges to design Engineers. Also retrofitting old blades of steam turbine with new blades to get additional power from the existing thermal station needs meticulous design of blades for optimum performance. One such realistic design problem has been chosen for the design of supercritical steam turbine blades for a given pressure drop. TCL/TK code has been used for the given input data to obtain airfoil data with the help of Baziers curve technique. Bezier knots are moved to change the camber of the airfoil and airfoil has been generated with the modified data used for steam turbine blade. The effect of stagger angle has been studied by using a commercial software package. Analysis has been performed by changing stagger angle from 0 to 550. Six different cases are studied and best one was selected to give optimum performance.

Keywords: Bezier Curve, Design of supercritical steam turbines, CFD

Article published in International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Sciences 2014, Special Issue-2 (Feb 2014)








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