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Study of Multiple Spark Ignition Engines with Single Spark Ignition Engines on the Basis of Engine Efficiency and Emission Characteristics Size

Author : Arpit Dubey, Akshay Pareta and Pawan Sharma

Pages : 14-17
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This paper describes some results of the research in the area of multiple spark ignition engines. Dual spark ignition system has proved their potential in improving the performance of the engines and improved emissive characteristics as compared with the single spark plug ignition system. Recently a new type engine has been introduced which uses triple spark plugs at different location, controlled by an advanced electronic control unit. This advanced electronic control unit uses three different ignition timings with variable spark plug number. Experiments were conducted at different load conditions and different types of engines has proved that dual spark plug ignition engines are surely better than a single spark plug engine ,but triple spark ignition engines has proved their potential. The current paper investigates the effect of multiple spark plugs to single spark plug on the basis of engine performance and their respective emissive characteristics. The result has shown that there is a considerable performance improvement in power output, increase in thermal efficiency and reduced maintenance due to lower emission of BSFC, HC and CO emission in triple spark plug mode of operation as compared to single and dual spark plug mode of operation..

Keywords: Spark Ignition, Emissive Characteristics, Engine Performance, Thermal Efficiency.



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