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Optimization studies for removal of Remazol Brilliant Blue dye from aqueous solution using acid treated red mud

Author : Ratnamala G.M, VidyaShetty K and G.Srinikethan

Pages : 161-167
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The present study focuses on the utilization of the acid treated red mud as an adsorbent for removal of Remazol Brilliant Blue dye, a reactive dye from dye synthetic water. Red mud is a waste product in production of alumina and it poses serious pollution hazard. Adsorption of Remazol Brilliant Blue, from synthetic solution was studied by adsorption on powdered dilute sulphuric acid treated red mud. The adsorption of the dye on red mud was studied to determine the effect of initial dye concentration, initial pH, and adsorbent dosage. Langmuir isotherm model has been found to represent the equilibrium data for adsorption system better than Freundlich model. The adsorption capacity of red mud was found to be 26.7 mg dye per gram of adsorbent at 30oC. A 24 factorial design analysis was performed to screen the parameters affecting Remazol Brilliant Blue dye removal efficiency. The results of the study showed that percentage adsorption was found to be 99% with optimal conditions of initial dye concentration 100 mg/l, red mud dosage 4.8 gm/l, initial pH 1 and temperature 33oC respectively. It was found that small change in dosage and pH will drastically affect the percentage removal of dye.

Keywords: Remazol Brilliant Blue; Red mud; Isotherm

Article published in the Proceedings of National Conference on ‘Women in Science & Engineering’ (NCWSE 2013), SDMCET Dharwad




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