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Online Polling System Based on Visual Cryptography

Author : Jayalaxmi M and V.R.Udupi

Pages : 219-221
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Now a days only few people go for voting because of their tight schedule. There are many reasons, few may be everyone has to go to voting center, we have to stand in a long queue, many may be tired because of their tight schedule. So we have developed online voting system. But this system has some disadvantage. Phishing attackers directly get the passwords from the user and they enter into the relevant web sites with correct password. Consider an online polling system for corporate companies, polling is happening once in a year to elect the president or secretary or key directors of the company. At present system all the votes are has to assemble at one place on polling day and put their vote. In this approach we are making use of a new scheme which is known as Visual cryptography. In this scheme we are making use of visual information for security. Here we are dividing original image into two shares which are stored in separate database. Whenever these two shares are stacked with each other we get the original image. Once we get the original image it can be used as password. This system is very useful and safe for online remote voting. This system is web based application so that it can be accessed by any authorized person anywhere in the world through internet.

Keywords: Phishing, visual cryptography, image , shares.

Article published in the Proceedings of National Conference on ‘Women in Science & Engineering’ (NCWSE 2013), SDMCET Dharwad




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