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Mathematical Modelling of Reheater Section for Boiler Tube Leakage

Author : Krunal P.Mudafale, Sandeep V. Lutade and Ashish Y.Pund

Pages : 380-383, DOI:http://Dx.Doi.Org/10.14741/Ijcet/Spl.2.2014.69
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The power plants are facing problem due to crisis in energy sector. The production rate of energy is insufficient in proportion with the demand. Due to over-load, power stations are running at their full capacity and hence, facing many technical difficulties. One such major difficulty arises due to boiler tube leakage in the thermal power stations. After the study of the problem at Bhusawal Thermal Power Station, it came to know that; most of the leakages are in the superheater and reheater section. Coal quality used at various thermal power stations has more ash content. Due to low quality coal, flue gases liberated from combustion of coal carries fly ash with it. After combustion flue gases passes over the economizer, superheater, airpreheater etc. Abrasive nature of coal may damage heat exchanger, which has hampered working of power station and overall efficiency of power station. So study of boiler tube leakage and finding the solution for the problem is need of thermal power station. The aim of the paper is to go for the study of BTL problem by considering the reheater section, which includes study of reheater section with its simulation by using mathematical model. It explains the fundamental physical processes that determine the interactions among the input and output variables. This model can simulate various operating procedures similar to those actually used in power plant operation. Hence, after simulation we can decide the behavior of reheater and hence diagnose operational faults, which cause the BTL problem.

Keywords: Boiler Tube Failure, Reheater, Mathematical Modelling.

Article published in International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Sciences 2014, Special Issue-2 (Feb 2014)





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