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Investigation of the Anti-Microbial and Anti-Inflammatory Effect of Cyperus Rotundus on Tonsillities

Author : Megha Mehta, Asmita Bharmuche and Abhijit Bhatkal

Pages : 135-138
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Since times immemorial people have been using herbs or herbal extracts in the form of medicine. One such medicinal plant being, Cyperus rotundus is a waste weed belonging to the family Cyperaceae, which is a native of Africa, Southern and Central Europe and Southern Asia. The plant has now been identified as possessing several pharmacologically active substances such as α-cyperone, β-selinene, cyperene, cyperotundone, patchoulenone, sugeonol, kobusone, and isokobusone. A thorough scientific study should explain the folk- and alternative medicinal uses and the present study is therefore aimed at the evaluation of antimicrobial & anti-inflammatory activity of Cyperus rotundus for tonsillitis.The ethyl alcohol extract of Cyperus rotundus was investigated for antibacterial activity against Streptococcus pyogenes responsible for throat infection. After an incubation of 48 hours, a prominent clear inhibition zone was observed in the plate containing Cyperus rotundus extract. The inhibition zone test was followed by biopsy studies in which 16 tonsillectomy samples were collected in order to study the different organisms responsible for tonsillitis. Zymography was used to check the levels of reduction in inflammation by analyzing the activity of MMP (Matrix Metalloprotease). The 16 samples subjected to this test revealed a difference in the levels of MMP-2 and MMP-9 expression. After treatment the reduction in the levels of MMP in all samples ranged from 20% to 90%. Therefore, from the tests it was clear that the extract used for tonsillitis has a broad range of antimicrobial action and that it is an effective drug for treating tonsillitis.

Keywords: Antimicrobial, Anti-inflammatory, Cyperous rotundus, Tonsillitis, Matrix metalloproteinase (MMP).

Article published in the Proceedings of National Conference on ‘Women in Science & Engineering’ (NCWSE 2013), SDMCET Dharwad




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