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Investigate the Combined Effect of gear ratio, helix angle, face width and module on beam strength and Wear tooth load of Steel alloy Helical Gear

Author : B Venkatesh , SV Prabhakar Vattikuti and V Mahidhar Reddy

Pages : 692-695, DOI:http://Dx.Doi.Org/10.14741/Ijcet/Spl.2.2014.131
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In the present era of sophisticated technology, gear design has evolved to a high degree of perfection. The design and manufacture of precision cut gears, made from materials of high strength, have made it possible to produce gears which are capable of transmitting extremely large loads at extremely high circumferential speeds with very little noise, vibration and other undesirable aspects of gear drives. Gears have been manufactured for a number of years with extensive ongoing research related to their efficiency, operational quality and durability. They are relatively complex and there is a number of design parameters involved in gear design. The design of gears requires an iterative approach to optimize design parameters, which govern both the kinematics as well as the strength performance. The present study is proposed to investigating the combined effect of gear ratio, helix angle, face width and normal module on beam strength and wear tooth load of steel alloy helical gear.

Keywords: Helical gear design, Lewis equation, Optimum design parameters, wear tooth load, beam strength.

Article published in International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Sciences 2014, Special Issue-2 (Feb 2014)





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