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Effect of solid wastes on the characteristics behaviour of petroleum products soaked concrete – A Review

Author : Nandini M.Naik, Girish S.Kulkarni and K.B.Prakash

Pages : 32-36
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Utilization of industrial solid wastes in concrete would help environmental abatement, in solving solid waste disposal problems. Fly ash and Silica fumes are the wastes from the coal and silica industries and poses serious problems of disposing. This present study focuses on the utilisation of Fly ash and silica fumes in the petroleum products soaked concrete. The effect of using fly ash and silica fumes on sorptivity, water absorption, strength properties, chemical characteristics-XRD, morphological behaviour(SEM) of petroleum products soaked concrete has been carried out. There has been a very comprehensive relation between concrete and petroleum. Concrete tanks are used to store petroleum in petrol bunks. Also petroleum comes in contact with concrete in areas like garages, automobiles servicing stations, storage tanks, etc. The bore hole used in oil extraction may be lined up with concrete. Petroleum poses high degree of adverse affects on concrete and thus degrades it. Petroleum gets penetrated into concrete and thereby flows into underground water. The spillage of petroleum on roads leads to cracking. The study aims at avoiding these effects by mixing concrete with different pozzolans like Fly-ash, Silica fumes. This technique is applied in the construction of roads, garage floorings and petroleum product’s storage tanks. In all of the above mentioned instances, petroleum comes in contact with concrete in one way or the other and has a specific impact on its characteristic behaviour. In this study, an attempt has been made to review the literature concerned with petroleum soaked concrete and also its advantages and drawbacks are highlighted.

Keywords: Petroleum products, concrete, fly ash, silica fumes, sorptivity, water absorption, Compressive strength, Tensile stress, Flexural stress, XRD, SEM analysis.

Article published in the Proceedings of National Conference on ‘Women in Science & Engineering’ (NCWSE 2013), SDMCET Dharwad



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