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Design Methodology of a Two Stage Axial Compressor

Author : Gaddam Srikanth , S.Srinivas Prasad , V.Mahesh Kumar and B.Mounica Reddy Ȧ

Pages : 602-604, DOI:http://Dx.Doi.Org/10.14741/Ijcet/Spl.2.2014.114
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The main objective of the paper is creating a method on how one can model an axial flow compressor. A systematic design approach has been used in the present study in order to design an axial flow compressor. The design calculations were based on thermodynamics, gas dynamic, fluid mechanics, aerodynamic and empirical relations. A two- dimensional compressible flow is assumed with constant axial and rotor blade velocities. A free-vortex swirl distribution was used in the design. These calculations include thermodynamic properties of the working fluid, number of rotor and stator blades, tip and hub diameters, blade dimensions (chord, length and space) for both rotor and stator, velocity triangles before and after the rotor and stator, mach number, solidity, flow and blade angles (blade twist). A repeated stage calculation is made to calculate the above parameters along compressor stages. The twist of the blades can be calculated along the blade length at any required number of sections selected by the designers to obtain smooth blade twist profile. NACA 65010 has been selected as a blade profile for the compressor at root, mean and tip. Here it is calculated at three main sections, the hub, the mean and the tip. The blade selected for this study is NACA 65010. The data obtained from the systematic approach has been utilised to generate three dimensional compressors.

Keywords: Design of compressor, Gas Turbines

Article published in International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Sciences 2014, Special Issue-2 (Feb 2014)





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