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Computation Fluid Dynamics Simulation of Spark Ignition Engine for Gaseous Fuels with Different Spark Time

Author : Vinayak D.Shetti, Poonam Harkare and Sunilkumar S Honnungar

Pages : 1-5
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Gaseous fuels offer several advantages such as clean combustion, high octane number, high availability, and attractive price. They have lower energy content than conventional fuels like petrol or diesel, however they can potentially deliver greenhouse gas emission reductions and air quality benefits compared to conventional fuels. The actual level of benefits in emission reductions varies greatly depending on the gas type, fuel quality, engine technology and driving behaviour. In the case of simulation the development of Computation Fluid Dynamics (CFD) methodology for IC (Internal Combustion) engine design represents a particular challenge due to the complex physics and mechanics, perhaps more than with any other widely-used mechanical device. Running the engine on gas is a prospect which is on offer for greener environment but in order to justify the possibilities thus a performance analysis need to be carried out. The trends in the variation of the parameters like Pressure, Temperature, Nitrogen Oxide (NOX), Carbon Monoxide (CO) emission are plotted against Crank Angle. The optimum Spark time during which the Power output is maximum has been analysed using the software.

Keywords: Spark Time (ST), Compression ratio, Stoichiometric Ratio, Crank Angle (CA) Air-Fuel ratio, Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD), Propane.

Article published in the Proceedings of National Conference on “Women in Science & Engineering‟ (NCWSE 2013), SDMCET Dharwad



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