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Comparison of HCHCr Steel and Carbide Punch and Die Increase its Strength and Life by Tin & Ceramics coating

Author : K. Nagendran, S. Sathish and J. David Rathnaraj

Pages : 281-286, DOI:http://Dx.Doi.Org/10.14741/Ijcet/Spl.2.2014.51
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The tools used in the Blanking process are subjected to heavy forces, such that attends to break the profile of the tool, if it is not designed properly. The main aim of this project is to analyze and redesign a tool which is subjected to frequent breakage, due to the heavy impact force, a necessary condition for the Blanking operation. Tungsten carbide is a material used for a number of industrial applications and it is characterized by its high strength, toughness, hardness and it is having carbide grain size (0.2 – 50 microns , binder contents (up to 30%), as well as by the addition of other carbides. By varying the grain size of the tungsten carbide and the binder content in the matrix, engineers have access to a class of materials whose properties can be tailored to a variety of engineering applications. In the field of industrial engineering the factors reduction of cost, improved mechanical properties such as wear, corrosion ,very high or very low temperature resistant with good harden ability and mach inability characteristics are involves important role. An attempt on optimize design and analysis of blanking punch tool to increase its strength and life by applying ceramic coating over the tool material. The analysis of tool parameters like load, stress and life of the tool are the main causes of tool wear and their model generations are created through ANSYS software. Analyses and comparison of HCHCr & Tungsten carbide material tool which can be redesigned without affecting the final blanked profile for its strength and durability and to withstand the said extreme conditions. In this process the redesign of the tool is done initially in ProE and the final model is analyzed in ANSYS.

Keywords: ANSYS, blanking tool, Pro/E model, ceramic coatings, life calculation

Article published in International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Sciences 2014, Special Issue-2 (Feb 2014)





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