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CFD Simulation and Analysis for Free Surface Computations around Fixed ‘DTMB 5415’ Model

Author : Suyog S. Kadam, Shivprakash B. Barve, Harshada A. Gurav , Vilas S Kanthale

Pages : 109-113
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One important issue in the CFD application is the prediction of the power demand of a new ship. For this purpose the interaction between the hull, rudder and the propeller must be correctly accounted for. This project presents results of the computations performed in the ETSIN for different ships with the RANSE free surface commercial solver CFX. Some of the computational results are validated against experimental data in terms of various global and local quantities. The CFX code is based on a finite volume Discretization. The turbulence model used in the calculations was the SST (Shear Stress Transport) model, and the volume of fluid method is used to model the free-surface flow. The incompressible turbulent free surface flow around the complex hull form of the DTMB 5415 model at two different speeds has been numerically simulated using the RANSE code CFX. The Volume of Fluid method (VOF) has been used with CFX for capturing the free surface flow around the ship model at the two speeds. The simulation conditions are the ones for which experimental and numerical results exist. The standard k– e turbulence model has been used in CFX code. The grid generator ICEM CFD has been used for building the hybrid grid for the RANSE code solver. The results compare well with the available experimental and numerical data.

Keywords: RANSE, Nodes &boundary conditions, Drag Force & drag Coefficient



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