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A Study of Investigation on Increased Stiffness of Diaphragm in High Rise Building under Seismic Load

Author : Mohd Mujeebuddin Ahmed, N. Venkat Rao, Mohd Abdul Baseer, M. Rajasekhar

Pages : 330-337, DOI:http://Dx.Doi.Org/10.14741/Ijcet/Spl.2.2014.61
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The galloping growth of population, rapid industrialization, and increased urbanization encouraged the migration of population to urban areas. The accumulation of population led to the formation of slums this enhanced the demand of infrastructure creation. Building structures become larger and taller to satisfy the social and economical needs of growing urban population. Under these circumstances a need was felt to create more number of accommodations in limited space, the result of the effort was creation of high rise structures. The advanced and sophisticated technology has been emerged to create avenues with economy and durability. Various works have been carried out to study the behavior of these structures and increase the lateral stiffness. The advances in three-dimensional structural analysis and computing resources have allowed the efficient and safe design of increasingly taller structures. Tall buildings are being increasingly designed with structural system comprising of flat slab or flat plate system and shear wall with or without perimeter beams. The behavior of this system under lateral loads is dependent on numerous parameters such as the height of the building, size of the floor plate size and location of the shear wall, flat slab spans. The flexural stiffness of floors may have some influence on the lateral response of the structure. Under lateral loading floor and roof systems in reinforced concrete buildings act as diaphragms to transfer lateral loads to the vertical lateral force resisting system. If the flexural stiffness of slabs is totally ignored the lateral stiffness of the structure may be underestimated. The analysis has been carried out to study the effect of increased stiffness of diaphragm in Lateral load resisting Performance of an 30 storey building with Perimeter Frames, Flat Slab, Shear wall and increased stiffness of diaphragm.

Keywords: Diaphragm stiffness, Shear wall, Flexibility, Joint load, Nodal load, Centre of mass displacement, Shear deformation.

Article published in International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Sciences 2014, Special Issue-2 (Feb 2014)





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