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Seismic Analysis of Multi-Storied Building with Shear Walls using ETABS

Author : B.Jaswanth, Surendra Y.L and M.Ravi Kumar

Pages : 692-697, DOI:
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Shear walls are structural members used to elongate the strength of R.C.C. structures. These shear walls will be construct in each level of the structure, to form an effective box structure. Equal length shear walls are placed symmetrically on opposite sides of outer walls of the building. Shear walls are added to the building interior to provide more strength and stiffness to the building when the exterior walls cannot provide sufficient strength and stiffness. It is necessary to provide these shear walls when the tolerable span- width ratio for the floor or roof diaphragm is exceeded. The present work deals with a study on the improvement location of shear walls in symmetrical high rise building. Position of shear walls in symmetrical buildings has due considerations. In symmetrical buildings, the center of gravity and center of rigidity coincide, so that the shear walls are placed symmetrically over the outer edges or inner edges (like box shape). So, it is very necessary to find the efficient and ideal location of shear walls in symmetrical buildings to minimize the torsion effect. In this work a high rise building with different places of shear walls is considered for analysis. The multi storey building with 8 story’s is analyzed for its displacement, strength and stability using ETABS-2015 software. For the analysis of the building for seismic loading with Zone-III is considered with soil III. The analysis of the building is done by using equivalent static method and dynamic method.

Keywords: ETABS-2015, SHEAR WALL, IS 456-2000, IS1893-2002

Article published in International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Vol.8, No.3 (May/June 2018)

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