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Response of Reformative Effort for Vibration Reduction of Industrial Building

Author : Sunil H. Kukadiya, Yogesh D. Rathod, Sarthi B. Bhavsar, Gaurang A. Parmar and Jigar K. Sevalia

Pages : 457-465
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Vibrations are becoming increasingly important in the design of industrial structure, but they are not usually of primary concern in the design process. In response for the requirement for more efficient and environmentally friendly industry, modern designs are becoming lighter and more flexible. So, it is necessary to execute dynamic analysis of structure, which provides the possible routes to improve the performance, particularly for innovative techniques that are being considered for future designs. This paper highlights different structural possibilities for improving the performance of industrial structure by incorporating several reformative efforts such as Cross-Bracing, Jacketing, Tie-Beam, Haunches, etc.

Keywords: Cross Bracing, Cross Tie-Beam, Haunch, Jacketing, Looms Industry, Time History and Vibration Control.


Article published in International Journal of Current  Engineering  and Technology, Vol.3,No.2 (June- 2013)




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