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Renewable Energy Resources in Benue State-Nigeria: Estimation and Mapping of Solar Energy Potentials

Author : Benjamin Ternenge Abur and Gideon Ayuba Duvuna

Pages : 1406-1411
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The paper presents an estimation and mapping of solar energy potential of Benue state. Meteorological data were obtained from Nigeria Meteorological Station (NIMET) at Makurdi Airport, Benue State for a period of ten years and averaged. The modified Angstrom type regression equation related monthly average daily radiation to clear day radiation at the location in question and average fraction of possible sunshine hours was used in estimating the solar radiation for 46 selected stations of the state. The research shows that the state receive its maximum and minimum solar radiation in the months of November and August with radiations of 20.16 MJ/m2 day and 14.57MJ/m2 day respectively while the monthly average solar radiation ranges from 14MJ/m2 day to 20 MJ/m2 day with annual average solar radiation of 16.60 MJ/m2 day to 18.07 MJ/m2 day. This amount shows some potential in electricity generation and other thermal applications like cooking, water heating, solar drying, distillation of water etc. Automated interpolation software called SURGE was used to produce Iso–radiation map of the state. The study recommends the harnessing of solar energy through the proper application of solar energy technologies for economic growth, development and sustenance.

Keywords: Renewable Energy, Solar Energy, Solar Radiation, Energy Mapping, Energy Potential

Article published in International Journal of Current  Engineering  and Technology, Vol.4,No.3 (June- 2014)


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