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Relevance Ranking Algorithm for Job Portals

Author : Vasudha Sarda, Prasham Sakaria and Sindhu Nair

Pages : 3157-3160
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Hiring an appropriate candidate for a job profile which is supposed to perform highly in a company is a matter of concern for companies’ management. Job portals have a number of resumes for a particular job posting from which the company needs to shortlist the qualified applicants. In this paper, the applicants for a job profile will be ranked based on their resume and social media presences. The ranking process will be based on the attributes which influence the performance of the employee of the company. The attributes are evaluated using classification algorithm like Decision Tree and Naïve Bayes. There will be a match making system built where the companies will be given a list of ranked candidates using information retrieval technique like two way relevance ranking.

Keywords: Naïve Bayes, Decision Tree, Two way Relevance, Performance Evaluation, Screening Candidates, Information Retrieval.

Article published in International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Vol.4, No.5 (Oct-2014)



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