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Real Time Damage Detection System for Structural Health Monitoring of Buildings

Author : Anushri G.Peherkar and Vishwashri.A.Kulkarni

Pages : 2418-2423
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The declining state of civil infrastructure has motivated researchers to seek effective methods for real-time structural health monitoring (SHM).Each structure is unique, therefore the monitoring system that must be applied is also singular. Civil infrastructures, are an essential part of our social life, and thus represent critical systems that need constant and careful monitoring. Which must be protected against cooling failures by providing necessary monitoring tools and alerting mechanism to the administrators. A wireless sensor network is proposed for monitoring buildings to assess damages This paper discusses both hardware and software development aspects to achieve the desired goal. This study explores the development of a versatile sensor board with on board signal processing. The sensor board is mounted at every floor of the building Cheap nodes able to monitored information about Temperature, Humidity and also abnormal vibration of the building due to natural disaster or heavy construction work around the structure, They measure periodically or on demand from the base station. This system also has an alarm alerting provision whenever the sensed parameters go beyond the preset threshold values A low power network architecture was implemented over an 802.15.4 MAC in the 900-MHz band to transfer sensed parameter data to base station. Database, as storing the data off site for post-processing and further analysis. To this end pro- vide a custom graphical user interface. The information can be used for a rapid building safety assessment, and to support decisions for necessary repairs, replacements and maintenance and rehabilitation measures.

Keywords: Structural health monitoring, Abnormal vibration, Temperature, Humidity, Base station

Article published in International Journal of Current  Engineering  and Technology, Vol.4,No.4 (Aug- 2014)



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