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Rationalization Energy Based on Automatic Street Lighting System

Author : Hasan Noaman Muslim and Ameer H. Ali

Pages : 1700-1704
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Conservative street lighting systems in zones with a low frequented passerby are lightened most of the nighttime without purpose. The result is that a large amount of energy is wasted uselessly. With the broad availability of electronics components like LDR that sense the light and control on it, powers conserving street lighting systems become reality. Therefore, the purpose of this invention is to provide a smart street lighting system which saves power of lighting street at night instead of loss it because the load of cars and walkers is few. This purpose is accomplished via use of controlling circuit which turns on a group of lamps at a specific time and after the time over, this group is turned off while another set of lights are turned on also with a specific time and so on. This work is focusing on developing automatic lighting system with using of light-dependent resistor (LDR) as a sensor of the sunshine and using a timer (NE555 IC). This system is low cost as it does not contain expensive sensors and it is also easy to implement as take very low space for installation.

Keywords: Lighting system; Automatic; LDR; Timer; NE555; Control circuit; Sensor; Voltage regulator

Article published in International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Vol.7, No.5 (Sept/Oct 2017)

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