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Process Automation of Chiller Plant for Welding Sub-Assembly

Author : Vaibhav V. Kulkarni, Kaustubh Joshi, Vishwesh Kugaonkar, Prasad Honrao and Aditya Patki

Pages : 437-440;
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In order to join parts successfully in a robotic welding application, individual parts must be aligned precisely and held securely in place while the welding is proceeding. An important consideration, then, is the design of a fixture which holds the individual parts in the proper alignment. The tool must allow for quick and easy loading, it must hold the parts in place securely until they are welded together and must allow the welding gun unrestricted access to each weld point. However, loading and unloading stationary jigs of the robot cell can be time consuming and impractical. It is often more efficient to have two or more fixtures on a revolving workpiece positioner, despite a higher initial cost. With a revolving table for instance, the operator can load and unload while the robot is welding. Obviously, this speeds up the process and keeps the robot welding as much of the time as possible.

Keywords: Manipulator, design, automation, fixtures, positioners, welding.


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