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Precise Performance Measures for Mechatronics Systems, Verified and Supported by New MATLAB Built-in Function

Author : Farhan A. Salem

Pages : 264-280
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Mechatronics systems are supposed to operate with exceptional high levels of accuracy and speed despite adverse effects of system nonlinearities and uncertainties. Precise analytical expressions, as well as, numerical codes for evaluating and verifying the achieving of desired performance and ensuring that all design requirements are met, are of concern and highly required, This paper proposes derivation of accurate analytical expressions for mechatronics systems performance measures with minimum possible deviation at actual values, that can be used to calculate, evaluate and verify the actual mechatronics systems’ performance. To verify the accuracy and correctness of derived analytical expressions, as well as to calculate and return the precise numerical values of performance specifications ,a new MATLAB built-in function is designed and used a long with MATLAB software capabilities, where the actual normalized values as well as derived analytical expressions was plotted and analyzed. The derived analytical expressions and new built-in function are only applied for first and second-order systems with no zeros and represent the essential qualities of higher-order systems with one or two dominant poles.

Keywords: Mechatronics systems, Response, Performance measures, Analytical expression, Built-in function


Article published in International Journal of Current  Engineering  and Technology, Vol.3,No.2 (June- 2013)




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