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Performance Evaluation of C.I. engine with change in different engine variables and using methyl ester of Argemone Mexicana

Author : Nikhil Sutar and M.H. Attal

Pages : 99-104, DOI:http://Dx.Doi.Org/10.14741/Ijcet/22774106/spl.5.6.2016.19
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Nowadays high prices of energy motivates industry to look for alternatives which are reliable, cost effective and eco friendly. Fatty acid methyl or ethyl esters derived from vegetable oils or animal fats is turning out to be great alternative because of its renewablity, biodegradibilty and highly oxygenated nature etc properties. The various engine parameters such as compression ratio, fuel injection pressure, load etc has profound effect on the performance and emission of compression ignition engine. There is need to optimise these parameters so that efficiency of engine is increased and emissions from the engine is lowered. So in this paper, attempt has been made to look for effect of compression ratio, fuel injection pressure and load. Some blends of methyl ester of Argemone Mexicana oil is used to check and evaluate the performance of compression injection diesel engine.

Keywords: Methyl ester of vegetable oil, compression ignition engine, compression ratio


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