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Performance Evaluation of 0.5 W at 80 K Stirling Cryocooler

Author : Mandar M. Lele

Pages : 182-187;
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The analysis of Stirling Cryocooler is very important while designing a particular machine for specific application. The actual and ideal Stirling cycle differs substantially and the performance prediction of the actual cycle is also an important task for the scientists. The analysis of the Stirling Cryocooler is a complicated one as it involves both dynamic and thermodynamic aspects. The cyclic analysis is used for designing Stirling Cryocooler for desired capacity by considering dead volumes in the system, property changes of the matrix and working fluid, pressure and temperature changes in the system, speed and different losses like shuttle heat conduction, temperature swing, pumping loss, instantaneous pressure drop, conduction through various solid parts and the regenerator loss. The loss analysis also considers the flow rates at different intervals. Thus the cyclic analysis is more realistic in approach. The cyclic analysis of the Stirling cycle Cryocooler for performance evaluation of a 0.5 W at 80 K has been attempted.

Keywords: Stirling cycle, Cryocooler, performance evaluation, cyclic analysis, regenerator, cooling capacity


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