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Performance Enhancement of Refrigeration System using Peltier Module

Author : Suyog S. Bajaj, S. H. Barhatte and Swapnil U. Bhong

Pages : 33-37;
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Thermoelectric refrigeration is based on the Peltier effect, which explains the cooling or heating that occurs when an electric current flows through the joint of two dissimilar materials. The heat emitted by the Peltier modules is discharged into the freezer compartment, which leads to a significant improvement in the coefficient of operation. It helps to reduce power consumption. The thermoelectric module consists of pairs of P-type and N-type semi-conductor which work on Peltier effect. In cooling application, an electrical current is supplied to the module, heat is pumped from one side to the other, and the result is that one side of the module becomes cold and the other side hot. Previous work concludes that large temperature difference on both side of the thermoelectric module affect the performance. Experimentation will be carried out on the refrigerator, for different location of the module. Analysis will be done for same and based on that the appropriate position of module can be found out.

Keywords: Thermoelectric Refrigeration, Peltier effect, P-type and N-type semi-conductor


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