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Performance and emission characteristics of waste cooking oil as biodiesel in CI Engine

Author : Jagdeesh S Bali and Channamallikarjun Sankanna

Pages : 38-42;
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The petroleum products are very shortage, and these are depleting day by day in use. In this regards an alternatives fuel plays a very important rule. The biodiesel is one of the alternative fuels which can be produced from vegetable oils (edible or non edible oil), animal fats and Waste cooking oil. In these lessons, the biodiesel is produced from waste cooking oil by a method of transisterification, after this, the biodiesel is blended with diesel in proportion of 20%, 40%, 60%, and 80%, on quantity basis along with pure biodiesel, are analyzed and compare with diesel. The present work has mainly on the performance and emission characteristics of waste cooking oil and its blend with diesel, at variable loads (brake power) of 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.2 kW at constant rated speed of 1500 rpm. The experimental results show that the lower blends of biodiesel there is a raise in brake thermal efficiency, mechanical efficiency; volumetric efficiency and BSFC are well comparable with diesel. And there is reduce of CO, CO2, and HC as compare with diesel. Hence it is seen that the use of biodiesel produced from waste cooking oil can be an alternative fuel in a diesel engine. And also up to B20 there is no modification needed to the engine.

Keywords: Trasisterification process, Engine performance, Exhaust emissions, Fossil fuel, Biodiesel, alternative fuels.


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