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Performance and Emission Analysis of CI Engine on Mahua Oil Biodiesel

Author : Prashant K. Kurve and Rupesh J. Yadav

Pages : 14-17, DOI:http://Dx.Doi.Org/10.14741/Ijcet/22774106/spl.5.6.2016.3
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Today the world is facing a problem of the fuel crisis. Everyone is searching new resources of energy generation. The renewable energy source is the best one to overcome the energy crisis. The renewable energy source is readily available in surrounding. As the name renewable, this can be used again and again. The sources of renewable energy are solar, wind, hydro, and bio-fuel. The bio-fuel is the one of such renewable source which trending to minimize the demand of mineral fuel. There is a need to more research in bio-fuel because a number of countries spending their money on purchasing fuel. Biodiesel is one such constituent which replaces the diesel. In India had 23.8 % of forest in India in which edible and nonedible oil trees are abundantly available such as mahua, neem, jatropha, nilgiri, mango and sal etc. out of which edible oil cannot use as a biodiesel due to it had a demand in the food industry. So there is scope to use nonedible oil as biodiesel. The present work is to procure a biodiesel with additive n-butanol from mahua oil as a substitute for diesel. The aim of the paper is to evaluate performance and emission analysis of mahua oil as biodiesel with additive n-butanol. This study is on an odd percentage of blends of mahua biodiesel i.e.B09, B18 and B27. The biodiesel properties satisfy ASTM reference standard 6751.

Keywords: Transesterification, Butanol Viscosity, Cetane Number, BTE, BSEC, Exhaust Temperature.


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