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Pedal Operated Water Filtration System (Mobifilt)

Author : Sanjay N.Havaldar, Altaf Somani , Anusha Pikle, Yash Siriah and Samiksha Patil

Pages : 254-258;
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This paper analyzes the design of a pedal operated water filtration system to be used by local dwellers. It works on the principle of compression and sudden release of a tube by creating negative pressure in the tube and this vacuum created draws water from the sump into the pump while rollers push the water through to the filter where adsorption takes place to purify the water. The design comprises of a peristaltic pump powered by pedaling, a filter and hose or flexible tube. As the operator sits on the seat and pedals, the pedal crank transfers the motion to the rotor thus the rollers and the tube is squeezed by the set of rollers to move the fluid. This design will reduce the labour, cost and weariness caused by transporting and sanitizing drinkable water for use.

Keywords: Filtration System, Pedal crank, Peristaltic pump, Sump, Local dwellers, pure water


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