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Passive and Active Investigation of a Modified Variable Stiffness Suspension System

Author : Mohammed Jawad Aubad and Hatem Rahim Wasmi

Pages : 1022-1027
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A theoretical active and experimental passive analysis of a modified variable stiffness model of the suspension structure is considered to advance the conventional structure. The focus idea of a structure concentrated on variable stiffness mechanisms by the additional subsystem to the structure depend on the control, pivoting arm adjusting the force between the sides, it comprises of a vertical control strut. The variation of the load transfer by turning arm has spring and damper at another side of it where the purpose of rotation is supplemented of body vehicle by subsystem as vertical support. The variation of the load transfer ratio is used by additional strut in order to control a position of a point. It’s supplement of the second strut to a body of the vehicle. This investigation aims to develop the traditional suspension system in passive by modifying the structure and in active case by designing a controller using Linear Quadratic Regulation control theory. The performance of the transfer energy of vibrations for modified structure has effects on the body vehicle by control arm, so reducing energy transfer for disturbance of the road to the vehicle body at comparatively lower cost to the traditional active suspension. The experimental investigates and theoretical results shown that a better performance to improve both the rid comfort and road holding.

Keywords: Variable stiffness: suspension system; Passive and active suspension; Linear Quadratic Regulation.

Article published in International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Vol.7, No.3 (June-2017)

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