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Parameter Optimization of Wire EDM for H-13 Tool Steel

Author : Satish Giduturi and Ashok Kumar

Pages : 120-127, DOI:
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Wire Electrical Discharge Machining (WEDM) is a widely accepted non-traditional material removal process used to manufacture components with intricate shapes and profiles. It is considered as a unique adaptation of the conventional EDM process, which uses an electrode to initialize the sparking process. H13 Hot Work Tool Steel has high hot tensile strength, hot wear-resistance and toughness. Good thermal conductivity and insensitiveness to hot cracking, making it suitable not only for hot die applications but also plastic moulds. In this study, it is found that most predominant factors for the maximum material removal rate which is 22.21 mm3/min are current which was found to be 200A and Pulse ON Time 125 μs, however rest four factors (voltage 20V, pulse off time 40μs, wire tension 8N and wire feed 7mm/min) has less impact as compare to the predominant factors. The most predominant factors for Minimum surface roughness which is 0.89μm are wire tension 10N, pulse on time 115μs and servo voltage 60V. However, rest three factors pulse off time 60 μs, peak current 140 A and wire feed 7mm/min has less impact as compare to the predominant factors.

Keywords: WEDM; Taguchi Method, ANOVA, TON; TOFF; MRR; WT; WF; SV; IP

Article published in International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Vol.8, No.1 (Jan/Feb 2018)

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